Monday, July 25, 2011

New Life Choices

My wife and I are trying the Blood Type Diet. I'm an O and she is an A.  We are opposite of each other in more ways than this but I should eat lots of protein and she should eat lots veggies and fruit.  I have to cut out mostly carbs in my diet and hers is meat (poultry and certain seafood is okay).  She will have an easier time with it than I will because hell she hasn't eaten red meat since she was 16.  I on the other hand will struggle because I am not suppose to eat wheat products, drink coffee, or have dairy products. These are all things that I really do like a lot.  So my life style is in for a big change. There will be no more breakfast burritos or coffee in the morning at school. My wife on the other hand doesn't have to change too much about her diet except she's not supposed to have beer or liquor and limit certain grains. Piece of cake for her not so much for me.
I'm also hoping we can change other things about our lifestyles.  I've been way too busy with my soccer stuff and she with all of her writing stuff.  This summer has been good in that we have been able too set time aside for alone time for us as well as time for our kids.  I really hope we are able to keep it up during the school year as well.  Its been nice to have some quality time with my wife and the kids this summer.  We have talked about scheduling family time and us time when school gets started I just hope we can keep all of these life changes going. It has been a great summer with the wife and the family and I hope we can keep all the new healthy life changes going.